Archive for October, 2009


October 22, 2009

Munich is a expensive city with a lot of wealthy rather boring people and the other ones that don´t have the money for understatement.

This is the typical rich lady who walks her dog and wears  the typical rich lady uniform of expensive down coat, leather boots and Gucci eyewear.

On the other hand the poor lady who gets her calories from booze  and smokes cigarettes that have names as Windsor and Ambassador (the trade marks from the discount stores) and dyes her hair in a unnatural plum colour that frizzels it.

people …

October 16, 2009

I am trying the galery function today. Click on the images. They get really big.

We had snow in Munich yesterday. The God went crazy. The leaves are still on the trees and are covered in snow. I bit surreal. Don´t have a photo. You have to trust me on this.

Last Wednesday I was at the playground with my son in t-shirt and barefeet. Well that´s over I guess. The drawings are people I saw on the streets.

people …

October 16, 2009

I am a mother. But I am afraid of other mothers I have to admit. They are the most judgmental crowd you can imagine. This is the cardigan type.mum1

Angela and the greedy wolf…

October 12, 2009

angela and the wolf

It´s still not clear how much damage liberal leader Westerwelle can do.

The Oktoberfest

October 8, 2009

If you live in Munich you cannot get around the largest fair on the globe. The Oktoberfest taking place here! I have not been there since 2006. This year I dared to go just to find out why not to go next year. Is it the bad clothing?Riesenbratwurst/giant sausage

zipfizapfiThe awful music played by i.e. the Zipfi Zapfi guys? Or all the drunks that literally lie in your way?

people resting

After all of this people cannot decide which way to get away fast!

this or that way?

Angela Merkel in Wonderland

October 6, 2009


To enlarge the image please click on it

So, it seems our lady-chancellor Angela Merkel is not as happy with her coalition with the neocon FDP (liberal party of Germany) as she thought she would be. Does she feel tricked into eating the wrong cupcake?

The two leaders ( Franz Müntefering an Frank-Walter Steinmeier) of the succumbed party have no time left. They take their leave and their responsibilty. Will it be enough?

summer is gone….

October 1, 2009

this is a quick sketch I did the other day. Reminds me of the days when the heat is almost unbearable… schirm