Archive for November, 2009

Don´t try this at home

November 25, 2009

ton steine erden

Originally uploaded by die Heldin

Well, it did happen like that. I got rid of my plants after this incident. I read that you can wrap a pantyhose around the pot of your in order to keep toddlers away. What a silly thing to do, plants in tights…

What a hunk…

November 16, 2009

…is the german minister for defence. He is an aristocrat with a long title, a castle and an aristocratic composure. His style, his assertivness and the home stories in a couple of glossy magazines enchanted us oridinary people.  His fellow politicians from the CDU know why they elevated him from the last row into the limelight of the political stage in these dull times.

I am getting a little lazy with the english versions lately. What they are saying  is about this: “Let thy light come upon me”, says the kneeling guy (Christian Wulff) The Minister of Defence Count von und zu Guttenberg says that it seems to be a war in Afghanistan. Mrs. Merkel feels blinded by his shine and clearsightedness.

The first steps

November 12, 2009

Laufen lernen

Originally uploaded by die Heldin

Another dull moment out of parents´ life who are not quite themselves for a couple of years.

My Stuff in Reykjavik!

November 11, 2009

There was a  exibition at the Goethe Institute  in Reykjavik about the comic scene in Germany and I was part of it with one page from my last book. Yipiieh!

Mythos Mutti- the sequel

November 8, 2009

I am not really happy with it, but this is the first draft of the cover….le_cover_flat2 Kopie

And the colour is all wrong.

A GROSS STORY (Eine krasse Geschichte)

November 2, 2009


Originally uploaded by die Heldin

This is the first story I did for the next Mythos Mutti Comicbook (Myth of Mum, sort of like this, hard to translate). Look at it. My husband says this story is too severe to make a funny out of it. But it really happened to me like that ( my sons did not get hurt) and it is the embarrasment and shame you feel, so you would not tell not anybody about a incident like that. A couple of weeks ago I saw this happening to a dad and I remembered.

So judge for yourself and let me know!

Hallo, jetzt auch in Muttis Sprache. Ich habe mich entschlossen Mythos Mutti weiterlaufen zu lassen: Vorab im Internet. Mein Mann findet die Geschichte zu krass,  um sie zu erzählen, aber meine Mission ist es ja, auch von den peinlichen und beschämdenen Ereignissen zu erzählen. Was meint ihr? Schaut es euch an und lasst mich eure Meinung hören, danke!

Click on image you get to where can browse through the Mythos Mutti set.