Archive for the ‘munich elegies’ Category

Puerto Giesing oder sollte München doch eine Stadt sein?

April 8, 2011

SN153460Originally uploaded by die Heldin 

Es gibt sie nicht oft in München. Orte, die nicht nur glatt und gesichtlos daherkommen, sondern nach  tatsächlich existierender Subkultur aussehen. Wenn es sie gibt, wie dieses Gebäude, dass einmal ein Kaufhaus mit 50iger Jahre Charme beherbergt hat, dann leerstand und als KonzertLocation und Ausstellungsort diente und Sprayer anlockte, dann kann das nicht von Dauer sein. Denn Münchner Boden ist teuer und Geld muss arbeiten und Bürogebäude lassen sich herrlich steuerlich abschreiben.

Bonjour tristesse.

Ich ärgere mich, weil ich schon lange nach einem bezahlbaren  Atelier suche und München zugeschissen wird mit langweiligen Büros. Ich hatte  die Hoffnung, dass die Zwischennutzung “Puerto Giesing ” permanent wird.  Ateliers,Probenräume… das wäre schön gewesen.


October 22, 2009

Munich is a expensive city with a lot of wealthy rather boring people and the other ones that don´t have the money for understatement.

This is the typical rich lady who walks her dog and wears  the typical rich lady uniform of expensive down coat, leather boots and Gucci eyewear.

On the other hand the poor lady who gets her calories from booze  and smokes cigarettes that have names as Windsor and Ambassador (the trade marks from the discount stores) and dyes her hair in a unnatural plum colour that frizzels it.

The Oktoberfest

October 8, 2009

If you live in Munich you cannot get around the largest fair on the globe. The Oktoberfest taking place here! I have not been there since 2006. This year I dared to go just to find out why not to go next year. Is it the bad clothing?Riesenbratwurst/giant sausage

zipfizapfiThe awful music played by i.e. the Zipfi Zapfi guys? Or all the drunks that literally lie in your way?

people resting

After all of this people cannot decide which way to get away fast!

this or that way?

Seen on my street….

September 12, 2009

Once in a while I see people (no, not dead ones) that catch my eye because they do something that annoys me, moves me or astonishes me. I try to imprint it in my memory and draw it at home. I call these drawings Munich Elegies.

This is a pair of mother and son. Their hair differs in colour, mother gray and the son brown. Both tilted their heads in the same angle. But their ponytails had the same length and the form of their heads and their likeness stroke me.  So, is this worth noticing? I think so. When a mother and son have the same hairdo, I start to wonder is he the only child, does he have a girlfriend, what kind of a mother is she?

Oh, and the combination of walking sticks and skirt and blouse hints to a countenance that does not really care about fastchanging manners and styles.
